Wednesday 4 May 2011

We may all die! buut i have a helmet

Right so todaaay there was a major of all major scandals at school:) <---- Only Smiley because everyone likes a good gossip just saying:)
It would litterally give me endless joy to tell you of this HISTORIC EVENT:) But i fear i cannot in case on day, Some fabulous person happens to read my blog and in the process, reads this scandal and that amazing person, who i love from that moment on, unless they destroy my life or reputation, happens to know some one who was involved and then while they are casually saying how amazing this blog is <---Just saying---> In passing, they also mention the scandal, and they person who they are discbing my awesomeness to asks who wrote the blog, and they say" Oh just the Fantastically talented Ty Bennett" Then that awestruck person goes to her friend and says "You know that superbly brilliant girl Ty Bennett? she wrote about some scandal on her blog, and YOU were mentioned!" Then that person gasps and tells her best friend, who goes to my school and knows me, about my writing talent and what i wrote about on that day, and they come to me and slap the bejesus out of me. And i have no friends and so no love life and i fail school from depression and lack of company and end up living in the streets with litlle of no future. And that is whay i will not tell you about this scandalas scandal:)

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