Sunday 22 May 2011

Dreaming of the day

Just went to see
at the Artscape theatre:) And it was truly and utterly amazing:)
I am not usually into that religious stuff but that show had so much talent i couldnt help but be moved by it.
And almost as soon as the opening scene began, i started wishing i was up on that stage again. I miss it so much:/

Friday 20 May 2011


its that time of day again when i am sitting on my bed, staring at my phone and wondering why i haven't got a reply. Then comes the moment when i re-read pre messages and convince myself that nothing wrong. Even though i know EXACTLY why i havent got a reply. It just seem right. This cant REALLY be the reason i cant be texted.
Now is that moment when i go onto facebook and prey that the one person i want to talk to might just come online.
^^ No luck there^6 But i knew there wouldnt be.
And the final pat is those tiring minutes when i put the heating on, play some Ellie Goulding or Taylor Swift- or any one who sings about love and life- And i stare at the ceiling endlessly thinking of nothing. Except you. 

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Where is the love?

 i have a question. It is deep and meaningful so be warned. 
"What is love?" 
A friend of mine said, " You know when you are in love because you smile when they smile. Whenever you see them the world lights up. You want to hold every minute." 
SOme one else said, "it is thinking about them every second. And missing them when they are not around. 
Or else, "Love is wanting to hold them when they are sad. Want to cry when they cry. Smile when they smile. Laugh when they laugh. And want to be with them every second." 
But the description that meant the most to me wasnt said by a friend,or lover. Or any one i know. In fact, i dont even know who said it. But i cant get it out of my head. Here it is: 
Think about it. Dwell on it. Mean it 

I am very confused now

Given i have zero to the none followers, i feel that i can pretty much use this blog as a diary. Maybe one day some one will read it and know that what they said made me feel whatever way because of whatever thing that  happened at whatever time:)
You see, the thing is, i am a pretttyyyyy chilled person. I dont worry at the big things that need worrying about, and i do insane overreacting at small the things that i have read to far into:/
C O M P L I C A T E D.
A particular phrase has been circulating my mind quite a lot recently.
"It feels like things are falling into place but really there just falling apart"
^^ it is exactly how i feel right now:)^^ like things are going well, but to me, they are falling apart:/

Sunday 15 May 2011

Just a poem

Okay, this a poem i wrote. It is basically a metaphor about Anne Franks journey. Most people cant figure it out. See if you can:)

One hope left
We’ve got nothing but time and still we are running out.
You can sprint in circles or whisper a shout
I am a postman but I never get mail
we got lost in the dark whilst following a trail
I am blind but still I can see
It makes sense to you just not to me
It was only a second, that’s all it took
A chapter too short to reach the end of the book
Step off the pavement and into the road
All that time for a virus to load
Some letters on a page or numbers on a screen
Its easy to hurt someone with things you don’t mean
Stand in the sky, through your head in the air
the invisible man can still be scared
Fade into the distance, blend into the night
try to disappear to escape the fight
One simple mistake in a moment that wont matter
a book put of place or papers that scatter
Storm into the house and break the quiet
Destroy a family, for the sake of a riot.
Join the crowds, lose your wealth
Not only that but you lose yourself
Forget who you are and where you belong
Cant find the words to a sentence or tune to a song
We thought we would last, we thought it would mend
But horror like that rarely has an end
Its all too late, there was no white dove
Our only hope left, is to hold onto love.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

They are back....

Yess. They are back. With a killing mean streak and a vengeance. No one knows how they got there. Or how they breed. But there is only one way to get rid of them....

Sunday 8 May 2011

The revenge of the killer Hockey Stick

So we had HOCKEY TOUR all weekend:) In George:) We played York School, and lost epically, 3-1 :/ but admittedly we never practice on astro and they always do so....NOT TO MAKE EXCUSES OR ANYTHING:) And also just as we started playing it began to dump rain, then it stopped when we finished our failure of a match:) It was a rather epicly interestingly boring 6 hour journey back home tonight:) And we stayed at a hostel the last night:) Which was very fuuun:) The grade 10's kicked us out of our dorm cause we are 'Ical grade 8's' So i went and invaded the other dorm:) ANd i found some new friends in the other older grades:) It was all in all very fun:)
- Skidding in the mud with Abbey
- Dancing in the rain during half time
- Banding together to support the first team match
- Jumping on people in the hostel
- The bus ride with Becca
- Attacking Alice
- Being a maggot with Abs, Em, bex, Cait & El
- Disturbing everyone at lights out
- Being wacked in the mouth
- Watching my best friend get continously injured
- Hiking across half the world with bags
- Changing in the street
- Eating Crap food
- Being generally cold and wet
- Hockey practice after our game
- No showers
- Having the guys being injured and being 1300 Km away and not being able to help
- Being insulted.